Saturday, May 27, 2006

Answers to statistics problem


(a) r = 0.9903; there is very strong evidence, especially when there are so many data points, to suggest that time increases the number of visitors... tick tock tick tock

(b) v = 28.2 + 31.6d; a = 28.2 (28) is the number of visitors in day 0 (that's probably true, because I didn't install the counter yet), b = 31.6 (32) is the number of visitors increase each day

(c) 11500 visitors

(d) extrapolation is usually inappropriate in statistics as you are working outside the range of the data you are given; in this case, it's 1 ≤ d ≤ 15, and for (c) you are using d = 365, so well outside the range; there is no evidence that the regression line model would hold. But, of course, I'd be very happy to have 11500 visitors in a year!


(a) r = 0.9684; there is strong evidence to suggest that time increases the number of different countries

(b) c = 14 + 2.5d; a = 14 is the number of countries in day 0; b = 2.5 (2 to 3) is the number of countries increase each day.

(c) 927 countries

(d) again, extrapolation is usually inappropriate and meaningless; also, there are only 271 different countries in the world, according to the World Factbook! Well, unless I dominate the world...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Nobody answered correctly." or you mean no one attempted your time consuming question a day before the exam?


8:56 pm, May 24, 2006  
Blogger ancient clown said...

Just got here...dang, and I love puzzles, but I thought you should know I already took over the world, so to speak. I received the earth as an inhieritance from everybody can stop fighting NOW. Thanks.
I have a...BEWARE: A Riddle If You Dare of mine own that is so simple a child has gotten the answer...and yet so difficult, only a 'child' has gotten the answer...If anyone's up for it.
(it got me BANNED from a magistrates blog in UK.)
Of course being a formula type, perhaps you might be interested in the Law Of Life. Though "anonymous may not be...such short notice and all.
your humble servant,
Ancient Clown

5:09 am, May 25, 2006  

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