Just got in the mood...
I'm just a 16 year old student struggling with life...
Today is supposed to be a very busy day, but I haven't started doing anything yet. In actual fact, this month and the following month would become my busiest months of the year.
But everything is happening at the same time.
My brain cannot focus on everything, so I have decided to write everything down on this blog.
1. Exam pressure: I have to start revising. Not that I haven't started, but I just feel I haven't done enough. I promise myself that after I finish this post, I will get on with revising immediately.
My geography notes:

2. Bullying: When I was younger, I was bullied by classmates. Now I am bullied by a teacher. I have decided to end all this tomorrow by seeing the headmaster. I am so nervous?! Will talk about this more in detail later...
EDIT: I cancelled the appointment. I decided to forgive him, everyone.

3. JAGBC: I'm in this global business challenge organised by Junior Achievement, where you enter decisions such as marketing, price, production of a particular product and earn virtual money. You get a final score called MPI at the end of each round, and basically if you are the top two in your group, you get to advance; there are three rounds and a final round. We are currently in the second round, and everything so far is done online. If we win the third round, we get to go to Palo Alto in the US to compete in the final round!! How amazing is that? But considering only 8 teams are chosen, we'd have to be very lucky...
One of our reports:

4. Work experience: I applied for work experience in a foreign country via my school (for Summer 2006) but haven't gotten a reply yet. I am hanging on a string right now. Should I book the flight ticket or not?
5. Secrets: There are so many things I am keeping inside myself. I wish I could spurt it all out, but it's not as easy as it seems. I may post some of my deep secrets soon when my life is less hectic and busy. But now I will just have to learn how to balance my priorities.
Pic of the day: Mutated leaf on my notes

Next posts:
- a day with the headmaster
- previous work experience
- my school days
- my general interests (blogs, websites, music, podcasts, sports...)
- my subject interests (chemistry, maths, physics, nerdy stuff...)
- click on the pictures to expand them; reload page if necessary
- do not expect much posting the following few months due to exam period
- please feel free to comment, but I'm not sure how you got here in the first place :)
Today is supposed to be a very busy day, but I haven't started doing anything yet. In actual fact, this month and the following month would become my busiest months of the year.
But everything is happening at the same time.
My brain cannot focus on everything, so I have decided to write everything down on this blog.
1. Exam pressure: I have to start revising. Not that I haven't started, but I just feel I haven't done enough. I promise myself that after I finish this post, I will get on with revising immediately.
My geography notes:

2. Bullying: When I was younger, I was bullied by classmates. Now I am bullied by a teacher. I have decided to end all this tomorrow by seeing the headmaster. I am so nervous?! Will talk about this more in detail later...
EDIT: I cancelled the appointment. I decided to forgive him, everyone.

3. JAGBC: I'm in this global business challenge organised by Junior Achievement, where you enter decisions such as marketing, price, production of a particular product and earn virtual money. You get a final score called MPI at the end of each round, and basically if you are the top two in your group, you get to advance; there are three rounds and a final round. We are currently in the second round, and everything so far is done online. If we win the third round, we get to go to Palo Alto in the US to compete in the final round!! How amazing is that? But considering only 8 teams are chosen, we'd have to be very lucky...
One of our reports:

4. Work experience: I applied for work experience in a foreign country via my school (for Summer 2006) but haven't gotten a reply yet. I am hanging on a string right now. Should I book the flight ticket or not?
5. Secrets: There are so many things I am keeping inside myself. I wish I could spurt it all out, but it's not as easy as it seems. I may post some of my deep secrets soon when my life is less hectic and busy. But now I will just have to learn how to balance my priorities.
Pic of the day: Mutated leaf on my notes

Next posts:
- previous work experience
- my school days
- my general interests (blogs, websites, music, podcasts, sports...)
- my subject interests (chemistry, maths, physics, nerdy stuff...)
- click on the pictures to expand them; reload page if necessary
- do not expect much posting the following few months due to exam period
- please feel free to comment, but I'm not sure how you got here in the first place :)
Have you ever had any comments? Do you wonder why?
i've just started blogging a few hours ago? This is my first post, so feel free to give me helpful comments and tips. But understand that I probably won't be posting much due to exams...
I also don't really mind if no one sees this... It's more like an electronic diary to me...
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